Lawnscape is based in the town of Uxbridge and has provided property maintenance and landscaping services in surrounding areas for over 25 years. Regular maintenance services include grass cutting, garden weeding and property cleanup. Covering areas North to Udora, East to Port Perry, South to Claremont and West to Stouffville. Landscaping and hardscape construction services will extend outside of these areas depending on the scale of the contract. Lawnscape regularly employs up to 12 staff members with a minimum of 3 fully equipped maintenance crews.
James Tennent, the owner and operator of Lawnscape holds a Bachelor of Environmental Studies, and a Bachelor of Education. He has worked in the industry since he began maintaining properties for the Township of Uxbridge under subcontract in his mid teens. Apart from the countless local Readers Choice Awards, Lawnscape is credited with the honour of being the Landscape contractor for the City of Oshawa the year that they won the International Communities in Bloom Award and has been involved in the planting and maintenance of the Town Flower Plantings for the towns of Uxbridge and Stouffville. Lawnscape has serviced Hollywood North in the past for actors such as Tom Arnold and Charlie Sheen as well as maintenance for private estate owners such as Wendel Clark. Whether commercial contract or private customized service.